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Age: 421

Height: 13ft

Weight: 720lbs

Affiliation: Neutral

Location: Mt.Slitch's Volcanic caverns

Predation: Omnivore [Preference: Insects]

Goddess of ember


                            Carol is a sister who rarely ever gets any visits by anyone in her cave since she lives right next to a volcano. Though it seems odd for someone to live so close to one, Carol's body seems immune to the heat and thus is even capable of producing it's own heat source through her scales that can reach up to 215 degrees farenheit. However, it doesn't seem like the heat radiates the area around her but instead heats up her inner body to digest her food quickly seeing that she is the only sister that is able to easily digest rocks and trees because of the heat being so high and her digestive juices being very powerful to digest such things. Rumours have spread that her insides are made of molten lava but these are obviously just rumours and have not be claimed true. Even though she lives in the hot climates, her attitude seems very calm, especially around mortals.

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