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Primary focus: Infantry and support

Active members: 1,945,208

Vehicles: 250,000+

Leader: Lilith

Main military force


                  Having been fed up with Darkness's reign, Lilith and a group of soldiers fled the Nether and began to start a new campaign against the Nether and Darkness. Soon after, Lilith quickly started to get support, even from Darkness's own loyal soldiers that once fought beside him. However, not having the right equipment nor technology to build their own tanks effectively like the Nether's, the Rebel's started to use old war machines and some captured Nether tanks. Lilith then re-opened old factories to use as vehicle depots where all their military supplies would be made. Still using the same blueprints as the old tanks were built from, the Rebels learned that how to build this machines quickly. However, they still focus on manpower over firepower as they believe that with enough overwhelming numbers, the Rebels could quickly march right into the heart of the Nether and face Darkness.

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