Ms. Smith
Age: 32
Height: 5'9
Weight: 130
Affiliation: RNA
Location: Erlendale
Ms. Smith is a representative of the RNA which is what protects the rights of all species that come together as Darkness planned. Though unlike her co-workers, Ms. Smith runs multiple jobs such as a representative, a member of the SWAT assault, a member of the SUA, and one of the chairmen in all rights movements on the planet. With all the stress she gets put through in her jobs, Ms. Smith gets around it all through playing in a dark humor fashion with her co-workers as well as with the people she represents. She always carries around her tranquilizer which looks identical to a standard hangun that the Nether forces use, but much longer and having a thicker clip to hold all the darts used. If there is one thing the Ms. Smith loves more than her job is coffee, whenever she enters a room, she always goes around asking for the host to prepare her a cup of coffee before discussing business.