Age: 602
Height: 38ft
Weight: 812lbs
Affiliation: Neutral
Location: Relaxing springs
Predation: Herbivore [Preference: Fruits]
Goddess of peace
Christina is the goddess of peace who cares for everyone and treats everyone equally. The springs that she governs is heard to soothe even the angriest of beast and is also used as a small break for the lord of the Nether himself to relax. Christina would let all who enter her springs to relax and feel refreshed, if one is too angry she would swim over to them and begin to massage their muscles to help the water soothe their body faster. She also seems to be the most mature sister in the sense that she would not kill anyone; unlike Cindy who would kill to eat, Christina would rather eat the fruits and flowers that grow naturally in her springs. It is impossible to anger this gentle goddess, if she were to be injured she would simply return to her springs where the waters would heal her wounds. The spring however is protected by an ancient mystical power that as long as Christina is alive and healthy, the springs will be too.