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The Major

Age: Unknown

Height: Unknown (Possibly 5'7)

Weight: Unknown

Affiliation: Risen

Location: Unknown (Presumingly Old Berlin)

Reich leader


                           Not much is known about the Major aside from certain broadcasts he would make around Old Berlin to further encourage his undead military to further their charge. Even during his live television broadcasts, all that is scene in the image is a shadowy man in a seat with his glasses shining with the ancient world war two German flag behind him. To his side stand two large soldiers, their sizes estimate at around seven feet tall and also seem to be ghouls, though the shadowy effect makes it difficult to distinguish. Through his broadcasts it is clear he has only one intent and only one desire: The destruction of both militaries and the resurection of a pure German world. No other information about this odd man is recorded or known, further investigation needed to understand the reasoning behind his schemes as well as how he managed to return the old German army into his bidding.

Broadcast 12: Date: 07/11/2025PN

           The major:  Gentlemen, operation Bait Van Winkle is a rezounding success. Both sides are exactly where we need them to be so we can now move on with our little... SUPRISE. However, before ve begin our next phase, I would like some time to address a rumour floating around the city. Some of you have come to believe I like var. I wish to dash these rumours! I do not like var. I. LOVE. VAR. Through my life I have discovered so many forms of var. You get up in ze morning, you get in your shitty car, und you see a rich CEO who works half as hard as you do drive down ze street in his Porsche. "Class var". You make it to vork und you find out ze annual drug test is today und you just so happen to take a puff of your one-hitter a couple nights ago before dinner with your wife's awful parents. "Drug var". But zhen you find out that ze only ones being called in for testing are your demonic and other species co-workers. "Race var". Then you try to talk about it to your friends but zen all your friends start arguing about vhat's right und what is wrong. "Flame var". You finally get home und you decide to relax by vatching a program about: "Who gets ze box?" "What's in ze box? "How much is vhat's in ze box worth?" "Storage vars". *Chuckles* What I am telling you, my nazi army of one hundred zhousand ghouls, is that I am a purveyor of var. And with your help over ze years, ve are now at the precipice of our true goal. You see, I vant a simple var. No class vars, no drug vars, no race vars, no flame vars, und certainly no Cold vars! Vhat I vant is a var zhat only ve can bring. A true var! A German var! The sequel you've all been waiting for! I! VANT! VORLD! VAR! THREE!!


*Chanting and cheering in the background before recording cuts.*

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